The Hajj is a journey to the sacred city of Mecca which every single grown-up Muslim must attempt in any event once in their lifetime if they could bear the cost of Shifting Hajj Packages.
Hajj truly translates into English as ‘to intend a journey’.
The event has developed into a standout among the most fantastic and biggest social events of individuals on the planet, with a huge number of admirers meeting in the main square of the Saudi Arabian city at any one time.
Hajj isn't the only journey to the blessed city.
Muslims can likewise go on the 'Umrah', a voyage that can be set aside at any time of the year, yet not as a substitute for the Hajj.
The Hajj came to fruition as a conventional journey from Muhammad (PBUH), despite the fact that the sources of the custom are accepted to lay considerably more distant back ever.
Muslims say that Ibrahim (A.S) was advised to abandon his wife and child in the desert at around 2000 BCE by Allah, while they searched for water.
The kid was scratching in the sand and a spring erupted. Ibrahim (A.S) was ordered to build the Kaaba on the spot and to call for the traveller to come and worship.
The Kaaba is the building at the center of the holy Al-Masjid al-Haram mosque in Mecca.
The story precedes with that the holy messenger Gabriel came down from paradise with a black stone that was lodged in the corner of the Kaaba.
When is the Hajj 2020?
The date is chosen by the section of the moon and traditionally happens in the last month of the Islamic calendar and is dictated by the principal locating of the moon in that month in Mecca.
In 2020, the Hajj will begin on Tuesday, 28th July and will finish on Sunday, 2 August.
What Happens At The Hajj?
Every grown-up Muslim who has the methods and wellbeing to make the excursion must go to Mecca in any event once in their life.
There, they should accomplish the state of Ihram and after that partake in petitions and ceremonies, one of which includes walking around the Kaaba.
Travellers should likewise visit different sites close to Mecca for prayer and contemplation.
Labbaik Hajj Umrah is one of the approved company in the UK which helps people in different matters regarding Islam. Besides this Labbaik Hajj Umrah offers Cheap Umrah Packages and Cheap Hajj Packages to people of UK so that they can perform Hajj and Umrah without any difficulty.